Saturday, 22 March 2014

Back when I was still in primary school we always had 10-15 new words each week to learn. These words was always written in a big piece of paper in our class room. Today the technology has improved and the big piece of paper has been replaced by a new web based program called spellic. 
About the website:  This is a web based program that can be used to practice your English language skills. You get access to it by creating an account. When the account is created you simply log in. And now you can start add words and other exercises that you as a teacher want your pupils to have. 
  The words can be practiced in many different ways. This picture will show some of them:

Here you see a section called "Vanligt förhör", this is simply a test where you can chose either to see the words in Swedish and then translate them into English or the other way around, which is English --> Swedish.

 The next section is "spela spel med övningen". Here you can chose from different mini games which will make the learning a bit more fun and also it will give your pupils some variety on their homework. I did take some print screens on one of the games and they will be shown under this section.
In this game you steer the car into the correct word. By tapping the up and down arrow you steer your car up and down. The left arrow is used to brake the speed of the car and right arrow is used to increase the speed. One thing about this game I like is that you as a teacher can use this to see how many words/10 min a pupil can read. The teacher can set a speed and then tell the pupil to just use the up and down arrow to maneuver the car. The game it self is quite easy: The road has three different lanes, which means that there will be three different words that the pupil will have to chose from. If the pupil picks the right word nothing happens, the car just keeps on driving towards the next word. If the pupil chooses the wrong word the car crashes and the game is over. 

You can also listen to the words and practice the pronunciation of them and also you can make listening exercises by listen to a word and then click the correct translation of it.

My first encounter with the website: The first time I saw this website was at my last teacher practice. I did immediately thought that this was a great way to practice words. I asked the pupils about the program and they all seemed to enjoy work with it. And since it's web based the pupils can access it from home as well and they do not need to keep track the paper with the words, which I always had when I was in school. I also did the words with the pupils one week and it was a very simple tool to use and all I had to do was to write the Swedish and the English words and then add them and I was done. Then the website do all the magic and creates all games and word tests.

Other considerations worth mentioning: Since the website can be accessed not only in school, the parents can be better involved in their kids learning and my opinion is that it's a lot more fun to do it this way that doing it the old-fashion style. And not to forget, it has been almost 20 years since I was in their age, and I would have been shocked if the teaching was the same!

Tobias Petersson

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