Thursday, 1 November 2012

How to Post on the Course Blog

This is how to make a post on the course blog:

1. You need to make sure that you've logged on to Blogger as the person who has the permission to make posts (i.e. using the ID you used when you accepted the invitation to become an author).

2. Then when you access the blog, you'll see a link (in small, light-blue letters) at the top of the page called 'New Post'. Click on that link and you'll see a text box that looks like this:

I'm in the 'Compose' function right now, but if you wanted to do fancy things with html, you'd click on the 'Edit HTML' tab instead. 'Compose' works fine for most of the things you might want to do.

3. You can either write directly into the text box, or copy and paste your text from, say, a Word document.

The tools in the bar at the top of the text box are fairly standard - you use them to change the formatting of your text after it's in the text box.

4. You'll notice too that I've included a picture in the middle of the text (that's the screenshot of what a post looks like). One of the tools at the top of the Compose page looks like a picture in a frame. Click on that and you'll go through the process of uploading and publishing your graphic to the blog.

5. Blogger saves your draft text automatically at fairly short intervals (the Save Now button goes dark when everything's been saved). When you're ready, though, you could click on the Preview button for a last check on what it looks like … and then you click Publish Post when you're ready.

6. If you notice something you want to change even after you've posted your Blog Post, as an author you can access all the posts on a blog when you log on. If you click on the 'Posts' option, you'll see them all, and then you'll see a sub-menu under each post name, if you hold your cursor over the title of the post. One of the options there is 'Edit'. There is an easier way to do it, though. If you click on the little pen at the bottom of your post in the blog, you come straight back to this Edit page. When you've finished editing, just click on the orange 'Update' button at the top of the page.

Don't forget to add your name to your Blog Post!

Friday, 23 March 2012

Little Critter - An omBook (Oceanhouse Media digital book) for IPad, IPhone and Android

How does it work

Little Critter is an interactive story app where the stories about Little Critter comes to life. To be able to use this app you need one of the devices it can be downloaded to. (IPad, IPhone, Android) The apps cost between 7 and 15 Swedish kronor.
There are several different stories about Little Critter to choose from. Through the stories children will learn logical and perceptual skills. It’s made to promote reading in young children and individual words are highlighted as the story is read and words zoom up when pictures are touched. The original text and artwork made by Mercer Mayer makes the App appealing and fun. It’s a very well-made app with lots of different uses and ways to read it. 

iPhone-skärmavbild 1
iPhone-skärmavbild 2
iPhone-skärmavbild 3
iPhone-skärmavbild 4

This is what I found on Apple Store about the app:
Three ways to read this omBook (Oceanhouse Media digital book):
★ "Read to Me" — listen to the narrated story with words highlighted as they are read
★ "Read it Myself" — read the book in its traditional form
★ "Auto Play" — plays like a movie, automatically reading and turning pages. Great for younger children!

Additional Features:
★ Picture / Word association — words zoom up and are spoken when pictures are touched
★ Individual words highlight and are read aloud when tapped
★ Find the creature mini-game
★ Professional audio narration
★ Custom background audio for each scene
★ Pages pan & zoom to accentuate the beautiful, original art of Mercer Mayer

The recommended age for the app is ages 1-5, and then used for first language readers. I think it is a really good way for second language learners and will work for primary school probably up to the age of 8, depending on the children and which story you choose to work with.

How the recourse can be used by teachers

This app is very easy to use and would be great in a bigger context about Little Critter. It engages the children and the stories are about things the children can relate to. The vocabulary learning opportunities are good because the word is presented in picture, text and speech. All the words are in a context and used through the story.
There are so many other opportunities with the stories. Of course the real books about Little Critter are good for reading in the classroom. There is also Little Critter’s official website with lots of activities, songs, videos and games which would be to great use for teachers. You could also use the stories as a template for the children to create stories about themselves using the vocabulary and sentences used in the books. 

How the recourse could be used by pupils

The app can be used by the pupils without being supervised by an adult and if the school has got IPads they can play the games, listen to the stories and explore the different features by themselves.

Other considerations when using this resource

Because it’s an app that cost money it might be hard to get it to the schools. But I reckon it’s a quite cheap material after all. If the school has got 20 IPads it will cost as most 300 Swedish kronor to get the app to all the devices. If the student should work with Little Critter at home I would prefer to use the homepage or the movies on YouTube about him, as all student may not have access to a smartphone or an IPad, but I believe most families has got a computer nowadays.

Using Skype for English teaching and learning

Using Skype for English teaching and learning

Anyone else than me waiting for them to get on with it and invent the teleport? (I always did wonder who 'them' were, by the way...) Wouldn't it be great if you could just take your class of 24 pupils, stand in that little lit circle and instantly be transferred to any English speaking country of your choice? That would certainly put the whole matter of communicative English teaching in a completely different light... But until then, we will simply have to content ourselves with whatever technology is out there - and there is actually quite a lot out there today. Software like Skype allows you to have a conversation with your best friend in New Zealand, just as easily as if you were sitting in the same room. This means that your class of ESL learners may quite easily have the opportunity to interact with native English speakers in another country. Because what makes them learn to communicate in English is when they are actually put in a situation where they need to communicate in English.

So what is Skype and how can I get it?

Skype is a widely spread communications software with audio and text chat functions as well as video/web cam facilities. It also allows you to share screens and send/receive files. Skype can also be used to make calls to landline and mobile telephones worldwide. You download the basic version for free via and it works on both PC (Windows and Linux) and Mac computers. If you get the Premium version (which is not for free), you are able to include more participants in video calls and group screen sharing. To be able to use the audio and video functions, you will need a headset or mic/speakers and a web cam (as well as any software needed to make these facilities work).

How can I as a teacher use Skype - and why?

There are several reasons and ways for teachers to use Skype - both in and out of the classroom. You may 'meet' with other ESL teachers and exchange ideas, inspire each other and discuss issues or news within the field. Through this type of network you may come in contact with other teachers who might be interested in a cultural or language exchange between the pupils in your respective classes or schools (more about this in the next section). Further, you are able to communicate with absent pupils (due to illness or perhaps vacation). This might be handy if a pupil is absent for a longer period of time, e.g. in order to go through a task, answer some questions, show something visual (which cannot be done over the phone) or simply see how he/she is going (in case of illness). The same goes for parents; if, for some reason, you wish to have a chat with the parents of a pupil and they are unable to come to the school to see you 'in real life', you are able to have a video conversation with them on Skype.

How can my pupils use Skype - and how would it improve their English skills?

Online video call programs like Skype provide you with the opportunity to set up sessions with native English speakers (or indeed other ESL learners from other countries, if you wish) in your ESL classroom in Sweden. A video call session with native English speakers would give your ESL pupils 'real' opportunities to practice their speaking/listening/communicative skills in English with proficient speakers. 'Communicative skills' is heavily emphasised in the new English syllabus (Lgr11), but it might also be difficult to teach in a 'non-authentic' environment such a classroom in Sweden, with a Swedish speaking teacher and Swedish speaking pupils. Therefore, it is important to organise situations where the pupils actually need to communicate using English. When engaged in conversation with someone, the speaker immediately receives feedback from the interlocutor on whether his/her production is understandable or not ('negotiation of meaning'). This type of spontaneous and immediate feedback does not occur when, for instance, corresponding via letters or emails (and this does not practice oral language skills). The more the pupils get to participate in conversations in English (with proficient speakers) the more likely it seems that they will develop fluency in English speech. Outside the classroom, the pupils may use Skype in order to discuss group assignments or help each other with the studies - or, as mentioned above, to talk to their teacher.

Is there anything I should consider before and when using Skype?

It might be wise to check your connection before even considering using Skype at your school computer facilities. If there are a lot of computers on the same internet network and the speed in no more than 2 mb/s, you are likely to get issues with the connection. Also, make sure to check whether you are in fact allowed to use Skype on your school computers - and what you are allowed, and not allowed, to use it for. The next thing goes without saying if you are an experienced teacher: When using Skype in class, make sure to plan your sessions carefully together with your pupils so that everyone is clear about why you are using it and how everyone can contribute in order to gain all the benefits from it. Finally, Skype might not always be the ideal software to use for all types of group conferences or conversations. There are a lot of other software out there that might be better to use in some situations. Keep your eyes and ears open, because more and more programs are coming along as we speak...

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Windows Live Messenger

What the resource is … how it works … what you need to make it work …

I have chosen to write about Windows Live Messenger, know as MSN, as an ICT resource. This particular resource is a great tool which has clear benefits in daily school work as well as private use. Windows Live Messenger is a tool that concerns around direct messages and it is a client programme developed by Microsoft. To make the programme work, you need a computer and an Internet connection, you also need to get hold of a Windows Live ID which easily can be done on MSN website and it is free of cost. By register a hotmail address, or another e-mail address, you are able to register for Windows Live ID.

A video conversation can easily be set up by using a webcam and a microphone. The direct message function by writing and video conversation is not the only function area you can use Windows Live Messenger. Opportunities with using the programme is wide and Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn can also be connected to your MSN account.

Before the chat function can be used to interact with each other you have to invite your friends to your contact list. This way of making a contact list gets you as a user with a clear view of all your contacts.

How the resource can be used by teachers and pupils …

The programme can be used in every day work since Windows Live Messenger is an instant messaging tool. In the very beginning of getting to know how the tool works it is a good start to guide the pupils in the basics. If the opportunity of several computers exists and is available in the school it contributes to an even better introduction start. The pupils can sit in pairs by one computer while their teacher guides them trough the basics. The pupils can then be started of with chatting with each other within the classroom after the introduction. It can be unwired for the pupils to chat in a foreign language with each other while staying in the same room. The teacher must be clear of why it is been done and explain to the pupils the benefits of the education that they practice while using Windows Live Messenger.

After a couple of lesson where the pupils have practice how the programme works and how to chat with each other it is time to move on to different area of interactions. A chat lesson can be set up with other cultures and it brings out a even more real communication.

Other considerations when using this resource …

Windows Live Messenger also brings the opportunity of interaction outside school. The pupils can use it with their friends during their spare time. This can have both pros and cons. Pros when it comes to the great opportunities which can be explored by the programme and cons when considering victimization. A pupil outside schools framework can be a target of word phrases in the chat interaction among their own classmates that aren’t tolerated and accepted. The teacher should therefore inform the parents of the programme use in education and the fact that their children are aware of how the programme works and that it can be used in daily basis, both in school as well as home. A discussion of how usage of word and appropriate language is the same way as spoken form and should therefore is the tone of chat interaction.

Another importance while introducing the pupils to Windows Live Messenger or other programme where social interaction is used is to inform the pupils to not get in touch with unknown persons.

An Internet connection which works is another consideration, and without it the programme can not be used. This is a fact to have in mind as a teacher, and a backup plan is important if the Internet connection is down.

/Ann-Sofie Andersson

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

A class blog as an ICT resource

A class blog as an ICT resource

What is a blog and how can pupils and teachers use it?
A class blog is a blog that both the teacher and the pupils can have access to and make posts in. A class blog would allow everyone to communicate and collaborate online. Generally a blog is used by an individual who writes about their daily life. The function therefore is almost like a diary. Blogs often include written texts, pictures, links and sometimes even audio and video. A class blog would have a wider purpose than a just an ordinary blog though. Partly a class blog could be available for the teacher, who can reach out to both students and parents with information regarding school. For example about homework’s, study tips, upcoming activities and such. One more important purpose with a class blog would be the pupil’s use of it. Depending on the pupil’s age and reading and writing skills, you can let them be authors in the blog too. For example they can make posts about the past week or upload pictures and texts about their schoolwork.

What do you need to make this work in class?
It speaks for itself, you need to have access to computers and internet in class to be able to use the blog daily. Also the teacher has to be familiar with the ‘blog system’ to be able to create a blog and teach the pupils how to use it. To create and make posts in a blog is not hard at all though. Go to where you can create a new blog. Try it out together with your students. I’m sure some of them already have a blog of their own or read others blogs, surely that will be helpful.

How will a class blog as an ICT resource develop pupils learning and how could the class blog improve their second language learning?
By letting the students be authors in the blog by guiding them towards what kinds of posts they will upload they could develop both their reading and writing skills. Probably they will also increase their skill with computers (how to upload pictures, videos, links etc.).
Also I think that you can use the blog in many various ways. The blog can be an implement to subject integration. For example you can use it in your English lessons by letting your students write posts in English. As a teacher you have charge of the blog and can therefore create different categories in it. For example English, Homework’s, General information etc. Then your students can write posts in the English category in groups about for example their thoughts about a movie they’ve seen recently or an article they’ve read. You might also instruct them to comment on each other’s posts to increase the interaction between the students.
Another example that you might want to try is to do collaboration with a class in another country about the daily activities in school. Then you can make the students tell about their daily school time. After a week and when the information and pictures are uploaded on the blog, you can discuss the similarities and differences about their school week and the other class, in the other country’s school week.

Besides the reading, writing, second language and technology development, what advantages does a class blog have?
The blog would be a public resource, which means that it’s available for others to read. This is an important advantage because the students get real, authentic receivers to their written work, which is really motivating.
            If many of your colleagues use blogs at your school an advantage could be that you can be inspired by each other’s work trough the blogs and maybe you can adapt it and use it in your own class.
            The blog would also let parents be involved in the daily schoolwork and they will therefore get a better insight in their children’s education. Because of the fact that the blog works like a platform to communicate it will be easy for everyone to ask questions.

/Nina Jillefors

Monday, 19 March 2012

March 18, 2012 (AV )

What the resource is:

Medioteket is a pedagogical resource for teachers and personal mainly in schools in Stockholm.To be able to use their services these schools have to have a contract with Medioteket.
They offer a great variety of services and material that support teaching and learning. The fields covered include video and film, school library support as well as IT support in teaching and communication.

How it works :

First you have to register an account at Medioteket . Log on to  where you can choose among different products such as films, sound (CD, cassettes), images, books, computer media and computer programs and streaming sound or video. The product contents correspond to certain school forms; from nursery-school pupils to adult students.

What you need to make it work:

To be able to show programs from Medioteket  through internet as a continuous stream you need to have a computer, a whiteboard and a data projector ( beamer) which projects the image from the computer screen onto the whiteboard. Alternatively, if possible, pupils can view the programs on their computer screens.

 How the resource can be used by teachers:

In my opinion teachers of all categories have a great resource in using programs from this platform. To give you an example of what can be used as an additional resource in English teaching are the traditional stories but in modern versions such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Princess and The Pea and many more.

I have used some of the stories as a comprehension exercise in year 5 followed by practice in communication and acting out some scenes from the story. In addition to gaining valuable communicative skills the pupils have enjoyed doing the acting.

 How the resource can be used by pupils:

Pupils in the municipal schools in Stockholm are now able to log on to the platform at home to see films and listen to radio programs through the streaming net provided that the school they attend  has a contract that includes this service.

My pupils have used this resource at home in pre and supplementary work in the story project thus implementing the new vocabulary and grammar in a context.

Other considerations:

In my opinion Medioteket as a resource is very valuable and useful as a complement to themes in learner books.  Pupils get a more varied and nuanced teaching which motivates them in their studies.They develop their receptive skills and learn to find and select texts and spoken English from the internet.

References: Medioteket homepage, Syllabus

Helena Rautio

Microsoft PowerPoint

Make a presentation more fun



The world today includes so much technology. Sometimes I think it can be too much and that maybe we are getting a bit lazy and we lay our trust on the technology. We don’t occasionally have time to learn a technology before a new comes. But I also think that technology can bring so much help into our lives and makes it easier to live it. The uses of technology in schools today are different depending on money, experiences and resources etc. One ICT resource that can be used of all schools with computers is PowerPoint. You don’t need an internet connection to use it and it’s easy to learn.

The program

PowerPoint is a program that can make presentations and introduction more alive, interesting and fun. In the program you can make different pages and functions to show or introduce a theme or work. How you use it is easy, in the program you make “pages”. You can insert text, pictures and diagrams etc. You can make a more visual description, with colors and animations. When you are using your PowerPoint presentation you can have the “pages” timed so it changed itself but you can also changed “page” with a simple “click” with your computer mouse. The things that are required so you can be able to use PowerPoint are the program (PowerPoint) that is launched by Microsoft and you also need a computer.

How/why to use it in schools

PowerPoint can be used of almost every age, but it can be a bit tricky for younger learners to manage it. My thoughts of who is going the use the program is not just the learners, teacher can also have a great use of it. The students can use it as help to report a work that they have been created. There are some reasons why it is good for the students to use PowerPoint. One is that the students have a stable background and a pretty good “cheat sheet” to look at for help. When I have work with it in school the attitude from the learners has been very positive. Their creativity has been shown and also their knowledge. Some topics that can be presented are: the story of me, my favorite animal, country facts or another resource of something. This is not the only one that PowerPoint can be used for; there are a lot of topics that can be presented. A reason why teacher should use is that give the student a fairer introduction, the information can get clearer and you can print out handouts to the students so they can make notes on it.

My final thoughts

PowerPoint can be a good way to give a presentation both for teachers and students. That which make it so good is that it does not require a lot of money to get it, and computers is the only other technique that are acquired. When teacher use the same programs as the students, I think the student’s attitude gets better. We have to let the students get more involved and listen to their thoughts about stuff. PowerPoint may be a good ICT resource to use but must not forget that there are a lot of other ICT resources that can make our teaching and learning more fun and clearer.

// Ida Bengtsson

Windows live messenger

What the resource is:Windows live messenger is a chat program that you can use from any computer with internet connection. You download the program from MSN and it’s all for free. You can use it to access your mail and chat with others. You must confirm that a person is allowed to write to you before they can make contact, which I think is very positive, given that kids can use it.

What you need to make it work:All you need is, as I said before, a computer or smartphone with internet connection. You also need to create a hotmail account, which is very simple and it doesn’t cost you a thing. Through this account you can use both chat and mail.

How to use by teachers/pupils:I think that teachers could use this a lot, for example; it’s an easy way for pupils to ask questions about homework, while they’re working with it. They can talk and help each other, in both oral and written ways.
I also think it could be a good way for parents to ask questions and keep up with what their children are doing. A very simple way to stay in touch.
Teachers can use it to send out information, contact parents about upcoming events and stuff like that. It’s an everyday tool! All you need is to keep the computer on while you’re still at work, and so you can help your pupils while you’re planning for next day.
But I must say that I think the best part is that children can communicate and help each others. It will be both useful and social.

Other considerations:There’s always a risk when using the internet. There may be unknown people who try to get in touch with the pupils, mails containing viruses and such things. So if you are going to use this program, it’s very important that you inform the children and really teach them how to use it.
Another important thing is to make sure that every kid has access to a computer at home. There aren’t many families today that don’t have a computer, but many parents have strict restrictions about how much time their children get to spend in front of it. So it’s not only about informing the kids, you definitely need to work it out with the parents too.
And finally, you need to decide how much you should be available. While you’re at your working place? In the evenings at home? Weekends? It’s of course very individual, but I think it’s easy to give it too much time, which can create stress. Especially if you decide to go online when you’re at home, then they’ll have access to you all the time, which may be a little overwhelming.
So there’s plenty to think about, but I believe it would work and I will try it, someday.

/Jonna Carlsson

Sunday, 18 March 2012


What the resource is, how it works and what you need to make it work:
PowerPoint is a presentation software, if you want to talk about something you can make a presentation and engage the audience that you are talking to. The program uses a graphical approach to presentations in the form of slide shows that accompany the oral delivery of the topic. Anyone can create a presentation, it is easy to learn and it is already used worldwide. PowerPoint presentations can be made into photo albums, you can complete it with music background, you can write a text and you can use many cool effects. Most of the schools have already this software in the school computers which makes it easy for the pupils to use it in the classroom environment. This software can be used by adults and by children that know how to use a computer. Nowadays the children learn how to use a computer in a very early age and to learn use this software would e no problem since it is easy to understand. If the pupils have difficulties on understanding how to use the software, the teacher can make a short introductory, showing the class how it works. You need to buy the Microsoft office package and you need a computer to be able to use it, then you can start making your presentation as you want, the only thing standing in your way is your imagination.  

How the resource can be used by teachers:
PowerPoint can be used in many different ways. As a teacher you can use PowerPoint to make presentations for example when wanting to teach the pupils about a task or to explain the language. You can also use it to tell them stories, you engage the pupils more if you show them different pictures instead of only reading, it creates a funnier environment in the classroom and you can catch the attention from the pupils especially if they are in the earlier year of school.

How the resource can be used by pupils:
The pupils can use PowerPoint by making every kind of presentation. For example if they want to practise their language speaking, they can make a presentation about themselves; they can make the presentation with lots of photos and music and tell what their life is like.

The pupils can also use PowerPoint if the teacher has given them a task that involves oral presentation, they can use PowerPoint as support in what they are talking about.

Other considerations when using this resource:
There are many ways in using PowerPoint and these things that I have mentioned are only few examples on what you can do. A negative thing in using PowerPoint presentations is that it has so many effects and while making your presentation you can overdo it. It can be too messy and hard to follow up for the audience that is listening. It considers me that a child’s mind is nothing like adults and when using this way they can be stuck on details that are not so relevant for the presentation. But after all, if they are going to make a presentation in the classroom than the audience will be in the same age as the one who is making the presentation and it will not be so much difference in their mind when it comes to how they think and what they like.   

Serjan Hajra

Friday, 16 March 2012

Text and video post about the schoolwork

Text and video post about the schoolwork
I would like to have a blog, where the class can write and tell each other, family and friends about what they are working with in the classroom and in their different elements. I wish to use, because they also have their blog program as an app. Those with an iPad, iPhone etc. can make posts and comments through the app-program. My wish is also that the children can make video posts about their schoolwork and upload it to the blog at

The pupils and the teacher needs an account on, so that all of them will have access to write, make comments and upload videos in to the blog. The videos need to be uploaded through, therefore also an account on a regular basis; a few times a week, the pupils should post something at the blog. Depending on the assignment it can be either a group- or individual post. By using a tool over the internet, students can read and sometimes write on the blog from home. Besides the software the writer need access to hardware with internet, which can be a computer, iPad, iPhone etc.

Since “Lgr 11” was approved the teachers are required to show the pupils what they are supposed to learn and know in the end of the course, so this blog will be a great second place to show does paragraphs to the pupils. The teacher should also at the blog make comments and help the pupils with spelling and ideas.

Marianne Fogelberg, Linnéuniversitetet Kalmar

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Using Ipad as ICT resource

What the resource is:
Some time ago Apple promoted a computer hand able enough to bring with you wherever you went. This made it possible to use a computer without making it complicated, you get access to everything anywhere and it can easily fit in your suitcase. With this you can watch movies, write essays, surf the internet, editing photos and many other possibilities.

What you need to make it work:

There are many schools in United States already using it for educational meaning and Sweden are not far behind. The economy and budget grounds is what stands in the way for exploring the educational development of this. Otherwise just a simple touch from your fingers will get you started!

How to use by teachers:

You can do follow ups on pupils work, communicate and have more open conversations with your pupils. You can be reachable in a different kind of way, and be of assistance if a student has trouble with an assignment or task. As well as you easily can examine each assignment brought to you.

How to use by pupils:

This product can be used by children in different ages and can absolutely be of an asset even for smaller children in the age of 3-5. The use of this product makes it easy for pupils to communicate with each other as well as their teacher. They can keep in touch and gain more control over what tasks that will follow there previous work.

Other considerations:

You should have under consideration that, as with other computers or technical things were grownups don’t have the control over what the pupils does. Be certain to secure the I-pads from ingoing threats and have an information meeting with your pupils about the risks necessary and preventions.

Linnéuniversitetet Kalmar; Anja Kind

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

To use a blog as an ICT resource

A blog can be a very useful element in the school. I thought from the beginning that it should be difficult to use a blog in the early years (1-3), but after some research I realize that I had wrong. You can use it from year 1 to the university. I will be focusing more on the elementary school grades 1 to 6 because that it the years I am studying. 

How to use it?

If you surf on the internet on school blogs you can see that many teachers are using blogs for week information to the parents, they are publishing pictures of what the children are doing inside and outside the classroom. You can write what homework the children have other information. There is of course endless of blogs on the net but one site I have discovered is where several schools and teachers have blogs. You can get both inspiration and great tips from the other bloggers on that website. 

How to use it in the classroom?

Previously I have only talked about how the teacher can use a blog as a great information forum to the students and the parents, but interesting is also how the students can use a blog. 

Example: You can read a book together in the class, either the teacher reads loud or the children read by themselves, but everybody read the same book. Then you can practice “book conversation” with the class. They can write their opinions about the book in the blog, and maybe comment the others thoughts. Depending on the age and the level that the children have, you can give them variety of help. For example you can give them guidelines as: was it something special you liked? Was it something you didn´t like? Was it something you did not understand?.
Hopefully you get inspired to use a blog in school and I also hope that you get more ideas with the blogging that you want to share.    

Caroline Cras Linné university vt-12