Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Using Windows Live Messenger as an ICT resource

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About Windows Live Messenger

Windows Live Messenger, also known as MSN, is a text chat program created by Microsoft, which can be installed on your computer in an easy way and be used as a communication tool between people around the world. Chatting is a way of connecting with other people and having written conversations with each other over Internet. Windows Live Messenger is an easy program to learn to use, and can therefore be used by children in different ages. The chat program is, in comparison to emailing, an ICT resource where people can communicate in real time. It is an instant chat and a type of private chat where two people are involved. The only thing that is needed is a computer with an Internet connection and a registration from the user – then Windows Live Messenger is ready for use. The program itself is for free.

Windows Live Messenger can be used for different purposes. Many people use it for communication with their friends, family members or colleagues instead of telephones for example, but pupils can also use Windows Live Messenger in the classroom. Besides writing text messages for each other in the chat window, the users of the chat program can use Windows Live Messenger for sending documents and music, have video and audio chats (if the participants have microphones and webcams) and for playing games with each other. Windows Live Messenger is therefore a quick, easy and smart way of socializing with other people.

Possible use for teacher and pupils

A text chat is a good way for the pupils to practice their English written skills. One way to work with Windows Live Messenger in the classroom is for the pupils to chat with peers in the class, just for practice before the real use. Later on, they can use the chat program in pair work situations where they can sit at home (if they have the possibility to go online from there) to discuss their work, exchange ideas with each other and send documents to each other. The teacher can use the Windows Live Messenger chat by showing the pupils how to use it later on and give them guidance for how to registrate their Windows Live ID, how to create contacts lists and so on.

A fun way to use Windows Live Messenger in class is for the pupils to have key pals, which basically are pen pals over the Internet, but in the chat program instead of through emails. Each pupil can have one key pal in another class or in another country, which they can communicate with in the chat program through written text messages. It would be exciting for the children to chat with pupils in their own age who lives in a total different country, for example England, and talk about differences and similarities between the countries, culture aspects and how it is to live in a English speaking country. Otherwise, the pupils can have key pals in another different country so that they can pupils discuss how it is to learn English in Sweden versus Spain, for example. The pupils can ask their chat peers questions about a specific theme every week, or whenever the chats are scheduled, so the usage of the chat program gets a clear purpose. Windows Live Messenger is good to use when when working in projects.

The pupils learn the English language when they have to write, understand and practice the language, as well as they are learning things about a different person in a different culture than Sweden. In this way, the chat is being task-oriented and academic. The usage of Windows Live Messenger is meaningful for the pupils because of the real audience in the other chat end, which motivates them. Besides the fact that the pupils learn English and get other kinds of subject knowledge, they are practicing how to use modern technology to communicate with people from around the world. The fact that the teacher brings Windows Live Messenger as a type of modern technology into the English language learning in the classroom, makes the learning motivating, fun and exciting, and lies closely to the pupils’ everyday lives that nowadays are surrounded by modern technology. Windows Live Messenger, as well as other similar chat programs, brings more possibilities to the world when it comes to connecting people with each other; regardless if it is a close friend or a new found friend from a whole different continent. It is a cheap and easy way of bringing modern technology into the pupils EFL learning.

Other considerations when using this resource

It is important to bring up possible upcoming problems, like e-mobbing, the fact that the pupils should not chat with people they do not know and how to communicate with each other, like Internet norms, before letting the pupils use this kind of chat program. The pupil's parents should be aware of that their children are using the program and how it works. It is also important to know that all children do not have the opportunity to use the chat program at home and consider this when it comes to planning tasks for them.
The teacher must think about how many computers she has at the disposal and plan the exercises according to that. When thinking about using Windows Live Messenger for educational purposes, the teacher has to think about that the pupils are at different levels when it comes to English language skills and typing and also what kind of language that is supposed to be used, because nowadays people all around the world are using shortenings for many words.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of using MSN as a tool in school to practice English. I also like the idea with key pals. How would that be organized? Would you contact a school or are there special pages where you can find "volunteers" for this?
    One thing to consider about using the chat program at home, is that if not all students have access to a computer with Internet connection, there might be a chance that they miss important information or that they feel left out if all their friends can talk to each other at home, even with the teacher. I would recommend to only use it at school in this case, and if there are students that wants to talk to their key pals outside school that would be optional.
    It might also be worth to consider using some kind of closed group so that no pedophile comes in appearing to be a school boy/girl and take advantage of talking to the students.
    Over all I liked the post and the fact that it is easy to download and that it is for free. Excellent! :)
    Malena Norman
