Thursday 22 March 2012

Windows Live Messenger

What the resource is … how it works … what you need to make it work …

I have chosen to write about Windows Live Messenger, know as MSN, as an ICT resource. This particular resource is a great tool which has clear benefits in daily school work as well as private use. Windows Live Messenger is a tool that concerns around direct messages and it is a client programme developed by Microsoft. To make the programme work, you need a computer and an Internet connection, you also need to get hold of a Windows Live ID which easily can be done on MSN website and it is free of cost. By register a hotmail address, or another e-mail address, you are able to register for Windows Live ID.

A video conversation can easily be set up by using a webcam and a microphone. The direct message function by writing and video conversation is not the only function area you can use Windows Live Messenger. Opportunities with using the programme is wide and Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn can also be connected to your MSN account.

Before the chat function can be used to interact with each other you have to invite your friends to your contact list. This way of making a contact list gets you as a user with a clear view of all your contacts.

How the resource can be used by teachers and pupils …

The programme can be used in every day work since Windows Live Messenger is an instant messaging tool. In the very beginning of getting to know how the tool works it is a good start to guide the pupils in the basics. If the opportunity of several computers exists and is available in the school it contributes to an even better introduction start. The pupils can sit in pairs by one computer while their teacher guides them trough the basics. The pupils can then be started of with chatting with each other within the classroom after the introduction. It can be unwired for the pupils to chat in a foreign language with each other while staying in the same room. The teacher must be clear of why it is been done and explain to the pupils the benefits of the education that they practice while using Windows Live Messenger.

After a couple of lesson where the pupils have practice how the programme works and how to chat with each other it is time to move on to different area of interactions. A chat lesson can be set up with other cultures and it brings out a even more real communication.

Other considerations when using this resource …

Windows Live Messenger also brings the opportunity of interaction outside school. The pupils can use it with their friends during their spare time. This can have both pros and cons. Pros when it comes to the great opportunities which can be explored by the programme and cons when considering victimization. A pupil outside schools framework can be a target of word phrases in the chat interaction among their own classmates that aren’t tolerated and accepted. The teacher should therefore inform the parents of the programme use in education and the fact that their children are aware of how the programme works and that it can be used in daily basis, both in school as well as home. A discussion of how usage of word and appropriate language is the same way as spoken form and should therefore is the tone of chat interaction.

Another importance while introducing the pupils to Windows Live Messenger or other programme where social interaction is used is to inform the pupils to not get in touch with unknown persons.

An Internet connection which works is another consideration, and without it the programme can not be used. This is a fact to have in mind as a teacher, and a backup plan is important if the Internet connection is down.

/Ann-Sofie Andersson

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ann-Sofie,

    It is a great resource that you have introduced, it is a great tool to get going with writing and speaking in the foreign language. One of the best things with MSN is that it is for free, so it doesn't matter if the school has a low budget because it will not cost them anything if they have computers and internet connection.

    I wonder if you have paid any thoughts in how you are going to get in touch with other pupils so that your pupils can chat with them and have conversation in the foreign language? Are you going to take contact with a school and explain your situation and decide a time when it fits booth of the classrooms? One problem is that this can be a little bit tricky, to find a time that fits both of you, because after all it is in two different locations. Even if you find that time so that the both classes can sign in, in MSN and have a conversation with each other, my question is, if you have thought about what they are going to talk about?
    One thing that you didn't mention that I think is great, is that you can also have conversation with the pupils parents, if you want to meet a parent a they have work or for some reason they cant come to the school than you can talk to them through MSN. This will make it easy for the parents to be updated on what their children are doing in school.
